
A log which outputs events to console.


Include Logging.Console library in project:

using Vostok.Logging.Console;

An standard ILog is created using ConsoleLog:

var log = new ConsoleLog();

Create an event. Let it be an error message:

log.Error("Error number 1");

You can add as many events as you want:

for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
    log.Error("Error number {0}",i);

To observe the result, add ConsoleLog.Flush() or ConsoleLog.FlushAsync().


2018-11-06 17:36:04,702 ERROR Error number 1
2018-11-06 17:36:04,789 ERROR Error number 100

First Usage

Configure a log and use ConsoleLogSettings for it. For example, you can change output template. The log would show only time stamp and message. Leave the rest of the code the same:

var consoleLog = new ConsoleLog(new ConsoleLogSettings
    OutputTemplate = OutputTemplate.Parse("{TimeStamp:hh:mm:ss} {Message}{NewLine}")

for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
    consoleLog.Error("Error number {0}",i);



06:06:51 Error number 1
06:06:51 Error number 100


Console log's configuration passes in code (the example above).


This parameters are adjusted in ConsoleLogSettings:

Last updated