Merge is the operation of reducing two settings nodes to one: left + right --> result
Its primary use is to combine configuration sources.
Each node type implements a Merge
method that accept another node (right
in our terms) and an instance of merge options with following properties:
, Shallow
, Concat
, Union
, PerElement
SettingsNodeMerger is a handy public helper used to merge arbitrary nodes that handles nulls:
If both nodes are null
, the result is also null
If one of the nodes is null
, the non-null node wins:
left + null --> left
null + right --> right
If nodes are of different types, the right node always wins:
value + array --> array
array + object --> object
object + value --> value
If nodes are of same type, special rules apply. They are described in the next sections.
Right node always wins: left value + right value --> right value
Replace style (default) always preserves the right array:
left array + right array --> right array
Concat style produces an array containing elements from both arrays. All elements from the left array, then all elements from the second one, preserving order inside arrays.
[1, 2] + [2, 3] --> [1, 2, 2, 3]
Union style produces an array containing unique items from both arrays. The order is the same to Concat style.
[1, 2, 3] + [2, 3, 4] --> [1, 2, 3, 4]
Per element style produces an array containing items obtained by merging corresponding items (by index) from both arrays. If merged arrays have different children count, the "tail" of the longer array is preserved as-is.
[1, 2, 6] + [4, 5] --> [4, 5, 6]
Deep style (default) produces an object with union of the children from both nodes, then merges children with same names recursively.
{A:1} + {B:2} --> {A:1, B:2}
{A: {C:1}, B: {D:2}} + {A: {E:3}, B: {F:4}} --> {A: {C:1, E:3}, B: {D:2, F:4}}
Shallow style compares children of both nodes by names. If the sets of names match, regardless of order, merges the pairs of matching children recursively. Elsewise, just prefers to return the right node.
{A:1} + {B:2} --> {B:2}
{A:1} + {A:2} --> {A:2}
Type of the merge procedure performed on . Deep
is the default style.
Type of the merge procedure performed on . Replace
is the default style.