Create custom sources

Requires: sources module.

Sources module offers a couple of base classes to assist in implementing custom configuration sources.

For in-memory sources or sources that can update an in-memory one from a remote API.

class MySource : ManualFeedSource<string>
    public MySource()
        : base(Parse) { }

    private static ISettingsNode Parse(string input) { ... }

var source = new MySource();


// Push method can be used by an internal periodical/event-based update routine.

For sources based on local files. Includes automatic reload on file updates.

class MyFileSource : FileSource
    public MyFileSource(string filePath)
        : base(new FileSourceSettings(filePath), Parse) { }
    private static ISettingsNode Parse(string input) { ... }
pageConfiguration sourcespageConstant sourcespageCombine sourcespageScope sourcespageNest sourcespageFreeze sources

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