Settings nodes scoping

Scoping is the operation of navigating a settings node tree by accessing child nodes of objects via names in a case-insensitive manner. A sequence of names resembling a path in the object structure, such as ["property1", "property2"] is called a scope.

Scoping does not work on value and array nodes (always results in null).

Scoping is used to map object fields/properties to nodes of settings tree during binding. It also allows to scope sources — create a source that returns a subtree of settings returned by the original source.


  • {A: 1} scoped to a is just a value of 1.

  • {A: 1} scoped to b is null.

  • {A: {B: [1, 2]}} scoped to A is {B: [1, 2]}

  • {A: {B: [1, 2]}} scoped to [A, B] is [1, 2]

  • {A: {B: [1, 2]}} scoped to [A, B, C] is null.

pageScope sourcespageBinding nodes to models

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