
Vostok.ZooKeeper provides a set of libraries for convenient interaction with open-source ZooKeeper system from within .NET applications.

There are multiple modules including the client itself, specific recipes and testing helpers:

  • Vostok.ZooKeeper.Client.Abstractions contains all the necessary interfaces and models

  • Vostok.ZooKeeper.Client contains implementation of the client that supports most of ZooKeeper's functionality

  • Vostok.ZooKeeper.Recipes contains recipes that help to employ ZooKeeper for more advanced scenarios such as distributed locks

  • Vostok.ZooKeeper.Testing provides helpers for testing applications that are using ZooKeeper Client

  • Vostok.ZooKeeper.LocalEnsemble is also usable in testing and provides an easy way to set up a local ZooKeeper cluster (ensemble)

Client Features

Client implementation provides a certain level of abstraction from a low-level ZooKeeper protocol. In particular, it supports:

  • Auto-reconnect on connection loss

  • Watchers

  • Observable connection changes

  • Recursive node creation and deletion

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