
  • Install abstractions and client modules:

Install-Package Vostok.ZooKeeper.Client.Abstractions 
Install-Package Vostok.ZooKeeper.Client
  • Install recipes, testing and local ensemble if needed:

Install-Package Vostok.ZooKeeper.Recipes
Install-Package Vostok.ZooKeeper.Testing
Install-Package Vostok.ZooKeeper.LocalEnsemble
  • Create ZooKeeper client with the constructor

using Vostok.Logging.Abstractions;
using Vostok.ZooKeeper.Abstractions;
using Vostok.ZooKeeper.Client;

var log = new SynchronousConsoleLog();
var settings = new ZooKeeperClientSettings(connectionString: ",");
using var client = new ZooKeeperClient(zookeeperSettings, log);

Continue to explore Vostok.ZooKeeper by learning some basic concepts...


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