Creating a Client


Client's constructor requires an object of type ZooKeeperClientSettings. The only non-optional setting there is a ZooKeeper's cluster topology which can be in form of either a connection string or a list of replicas. Connection string must consist of pairs host:port separated only by ,.

Vostok.Logging.Abstractions.ILog log = ...;
var settings = new ZooKeeperClientSettings(connectionString: ",")
using var client = new ZooKeeperClient(settings, log);

Note that client implements IDisposable interface and therefore should be disposed once not needed anymore to correctly release all the resources.

Providing Cluster Topology

ZooKeeperClient accepts two types of topologies: static (either string or IList<Uri>) and dynamic (Func<string> or Func<IList<Uri>>). It is expected that static topology does not change over time. So, if the client is created with, say, replicas A, B, and C, then there is no way to inform it on a new replica D.

Contrarily to a static topology, dynamic one does allow this to happen. Though be aware of its implementation-driven limitations: old and new topologies are compared only by reference. So, client that observes a new dynamic topology will drop existing connection and therefore lose all session's ephemeral nodes regardless of topology composition.

Now let's take a look at additional settings.

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